It all began from a place of understanding.

Sarah Rivkah Kohn was 9 years old when she lost her mother in 1993.

In 2006, she started a magazine for teenaged girls who had lost a parent, providing them with a platform to connect with other girls in the same situation as well as mentors and role models who had “been there” themselves.

The success of the magazine led to more programming, eventually becoming Links Family, a worldwide community for bereaved children to bond with and learn from others who share their experience.

Links Family supports children and teens who have lost one or both parents by connecting them with peers and mentors who have been through the same experience.

Our programs include 3 annual Shabbatons, targeted publications for each age group, therapy referrals, Yom Tov programs, legal and financial guidance, trips, and more — yet the support we offer goes far beyond these programs.

If a young girl needs someone to accompany her to her parent’s kever, Little Pearls steps in.

If a kallah needs someone to go shopping with her, Zisel's Links steps in.

If a boy needs someone to prepare him for his bar mitzvah, Shlomie’s Club steps in.

If the bereaved family needs help accessing Social Security survivor benefits, Legally Links steps in.

As members of Links Family, our children know that they are never alone. That their feelings are normal, and so are they. That there are people out there who get what it means to lose a parent.

By surrounding them with a loving community of people who understand them, our children find the support, encouragement, and tools they need to keep going.

They know that we’re in it together.

Our Principles

Dignity Matters

Losing a parent doesn’t mean losing the right to dignity and privacy. To preserve this dignity, we don’t run public fundraisers or print advertising campaigns with photos of our events. This ensures that our children feel comfortable participating in our programs.

Individual Focus

Just as every child’s relationship to the parent they lost is unique, their challenges when coping with loss are unique. We offer personalized support in addition to our regular programs, to make sure that every child is cared for according to their needs.

No Judgment

We are more than an organization, we’re a family. We offer the children a space where they can feel safe to be themselves and grieve at their own pace, in their own way. At Links Family, every child is treasured and treated with love and understanding.

Our History


Sarah Rivkah Kohn publishes the first Links Magazine.


Mimi Gross establishes Shlomie’s Club in honor of her husband, Shlomie Gross, z”l, extending the Links network of support to hundreds of boys.


Mordechai, z”l, and ybl”c, Mirrel Eissenberg establish a division for elementary school girls, named Little Pearls in honor of Mirrel’s mother, Pearl Benisch, a”h.


Daniel Danesh, Esq. starts Legally Links, extending the support we offer families to include pro bono legal, financial, and tax advisory.


Shaul and Faigie Greenwald rename our flagship division Zisel’s Links in honor of Faigy’s mother, Zisel Sarah (Susan) Mann, a”h.

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